Electric Department

The City of Jackson’s Electric Utility purchases its power from Western Area Power Administration and Missouri River Energy Services. This electrical power is primarily generated from hydro and coal. The City receives power to its substation from ITC’s 161KV transmission line. This voltage is then transformed into Jackson’s distribution voltage of 7200/12470, which is then distributed through the City’s electrical distribution system. The City of Jackson is a proud energy partner with MRES through which the City contracts for its electrical distribution operation, maintenance and service needs. 

Proud Energy Partners - Low-cost, clean resources provide power for the City of Jackson
Electricity has become a staple of life in the U.S., and in other developed nations. It is hard to imagine what our world would be like without the many benefits electric energy brings. But people and other living things on our planet have other needs as well. Protecting our environment is vital to our present quality of life and to future generations. City of Jackson works with our energy partners in Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) to ensure that our need for electricity is balanced with our need to maintain and sustain our environment.

In Jackson, we enjoy some of the lowest cost electricity in the region. And, our power suppliers are committed to providing that power in an environmentally sensitive manner. A good portion of our electricity is produced at federally owned hydroelectric facilities located along the Missouri River. This power is produced by falling water, which burns no fuel and sends no emissions into the earth’s atmosphere. Since this resource is reliant on natural occurrences – rainfall and snow melt – it is completely renewable.

The remainder of our power comes from MRES. Almost all of the power the City of Jackson purchases from MRES is produced at a large coal-fired power plant in Wyoming called the Laramie River Station. The Laramie River Station has been producing power for about 25 years, and it has consistently ranked among the lowest-cost, cleanest, most efficient power plants in the nation. When the plant was built in the late 1970s and early 1980s, MRES and the other participants in the Laramie River Station invested more than $300 million in scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators, and other pollution-control equipment that continues today to do an outstanding job of protecting our land, water, and air against harmful pollutants.

MRES also has invested in clean, renewable wind energy. MRES has wind generators near Worthington, Marshall, and Odin Minn, as well as near Rugby, No Dak., and is planning more wind energy development for the future under its renewable energy program called RiverWindsSM. Environmental sensitivity also figures prominently in other electric generating resources used by and being planned by MRES.

Jackson’s combination of low-cost and environmentally friendly electrical sources has brought a great deal of success to our hometown electric system. Jackson’s citizens can be optimistic that that success will continue for many decades to come.  

 Position                        Name                   Phone Number  
 Electric Foreman:       Tony Nitchels        (507) 847-4410 

Check out the available cash incentive programs for Jackson offered through the City's electric service provider Missouri River Energy Services. Don't forget to visit Bright Energy Solutions website; Bright Energy Solutions 


Official Website of the City of Jackson, Minnesota
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