SW MN Mayors Association Workforce Bill Info

I am excited to let everyone know that the HF 1704 workforce bill that the SW MN Council of Mayors has been working on was presented to the tax committee today by Senator Bill Weber. The bill was looked upon favorable and is moving on to the Jobs committee. In short, we are looking to fund 700K in educational opportunities for individuals interested in attending our schools in SW Minnesota and staying to work for a minimum of three years, after the completion of their secondary education.  A draft summary of the bill and testimony from the Southwest Minnesota Council of Mayors is available on the City of Jackson website at www.cityofjacksonmn.com. This will be similar to the Build Dakota Scholarship Fund in SD. This is an exciting moment in the hopes we can educate and retain future talent in our very own communities. 

Mayor Marcus Polz

Click here for video of testimony



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