Business Building Improvement Program

$5,000 Grants Available!

Program Purpose: The purpose of the Business Building Improvement Program is to provide incentives to improve and revitalize Jackson businesses by improving the building structure and at the same time, stimulate private investment. The program is designed to encourage owners to restore existing properties and enhance the general character of the property.

Target Area
Target Area


  • Eligible improvements and include, but are not limited to:
      • Façade and other aesthetic improvements
      • Brickwork and other structural improvements
      • Electrical or plumbing improvements
      • Awnings, windows, and doors
      • Signage
      • Lighting
      • Landscaping
  • Eligible Properties: Commercial buildings located within the central business district defined by the City of Jackson zoning map. This area is South of North Highway, North of South Street, East of Fourth Street, and West of the Des Moines River.

Loan Details

  • Forgivable Loan: Min: $1,000 Max: $5,000 per project
    • Match Requirement: Dollar-for-dollar
    • 20% forgiven per year; fully forgiven after 5 years.
  • Payments will be made directly to vendors once program requirements are met and after submittal of invoices or reimbursed to the applicant after submittal of proof of payment.

Additional Requirements

  1. Loans must be personally guaranteed by the borrower(s). Annual proof that the insurance has been paid for must be provided by the insurance company, listing the City of Jackson as an additional insured.
  1. An application fee in the amount of $100.00 is required. The fee is due when the application is submitted. Please make your check payable to the City of Jackson.

Approval of Work: The JBDC & EDA will have sole authority to determine the eligibility of proposed work and confirmation of completed work. Certain work may be required or precluded as a condition of approval.

Selection Methods: Funds are limited. Priority will be given to projects that maximize owner investment, or projects with the greatest overall impact. 

Other Approvals: Participants will be responsible for obtaining necessary regulatory approvals such as City building permits, and other necessary permits. All work must comply with City, State, and Federal regulations.

Construction Contract: All construction contracts will be between the participating building owner and contractor. All contractors must be registered and bonded by the State of Minnesota.



Official Website of the City of Jackson, Minnesota
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