Water Department

The City of Jackson Water Department dates back to 1894 when the first water mains and fire hydrants were installed. The current system consists of a water treatment plant built in 1978 and refurbished in 2003.

The system has a Tonka Gravity Iron Filter, with a design capacity of 1,250 gallons per minute; two 300,000 gallon capacity water towers, and an above ground storage tank with 200,000 gallons capacity, along with two 316 feet deep wells with a pumping capacity of 650 gallons per minute.

There is 29 miles of water main, two booster stations and an inter-connection with Red Rock Rural Water to provide mutual aid in the event of an emergency. Average winter usage is 300,000 gallons per day, and average summer usage is 400,000 gallons per day.

Water Costs Money . . . Don’t Waste It! A dripping faucet or fixture can waste three gallons a day . . . a total of 1,095 gallons per year. Continuous leaks from holes (right) in various sizes would, over a month period, waste water in the amounts indicated.

It is illegal to dump water from roof drains and sump pumps into the sanitary sewer system of the City. If you have a roof drain or sump pump that is connected to a sanitary sewer line, please remove the connection immediately. This is an ordinance of the City of Jackson.

Submission of Meter Readings
The City now has an e-mail address where you can submit your water and electric meter readings. The e-mail address is: utilities@cityofjacksonmn.com.

Phosphorus Levels
Jackson is looking at ways to reduce phosphorus levels from residential, commercial, and industrial sources that discharge into the City’s lagoon treatment facilities. Jackson is mandated by permit to submit a phosphorus management plan to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency outlining a plan of action. It is likely that the MPCA will impose a phosphorus limit on the City’s next NPDES discharge permit, which could have an impact on your water and sewer rates.

Each resident needs to evaluate all sources of phosphorus and find ways to reduce phosphorus discharge. One suggestion would be to move to non-phosphate cleaners and chemicals.

Phosphorus is a concern because in excess it can speed up the aging process of lakes, rivers, and streams by stimulating algae growth. The decomposition of algae uses up available oxygen supplies threatening the survival of fish and other aquatic organisms. We appreciate your help in reducing phosphorus; this will help keep our treatment costs down and keep problem materials out of our waste water stream to keep our Minnesota waters clean.

Drinking water reports:

Official Website of the City of Jackson, Minnesota
Government Websites by Catalis